About Us
The Friends of St George’s
Flower Bank are a group of volunteers dedicated to the conservation and
enhancement of the A369 road verges in the Parish of Pill and Easton-
Although it ran through existing farmland the soil resulting from the road work excavations was extremely poor and thus made an ideal habitat for wild flowers.
There has been no seed planted – all the flora is completely natural but we do mow frequently and remove all arisings to ensure that the soil remains impoverished. Brambles and other undergrowth are removed to encourage species proliferation. The hedges are trimmed carefully to encourage nesting birds and any wood cut is kept on site to encourage invertebrates and fungi.
Bob Buck
6 Heywood Terrace, Pill, BS20 0EA
M: 0788 4400221 Tel: 01275 373750
Email: stgeorgesflowerbank@gmail.com
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